Art is there every morning – reflections from Art Works Hall Green AGM

Art is there every morning, a passport to unknown places, feel good and relaxing therapy leaving you feeling accomplished and liberated…

Art is there every morning, a passport to unknown places, feel good and relaxing therapy leaving you feeling accomplished and liberated…

Those were some of the things written by participants at the annual general meeting of Art Works Hall Green, held in Highfield Hall on Friday 21 July.

Together we wrote a poem about what art means to us

Art is

There every morning

A passport to unknown places

A feel good and relaxing therapy leaving you feeling accomplished and liberated

Art is an innate expression of one’s true self

A passport to unknown places

Art expresses meaning, gives meaning

An innate expression of one’s true self

A liberation of the senses

A feel good and relaxing therapy leaving you feeling accomplished and liberated

Soul to soul

A liberation of the senses

Art expresses meaning, gives meaning

Soul to soul

There every morning

We also looked at how we can support artists in pursuing meaningful creative careers and how we can make our neighbourhoods viable places to make art.

At the next Art Works Hall Green steering group, we will explore how to turn the numerous excellent ideas into our strategy for the coming years.

Watch this space.