We organise displays and exhibitions, collect memories, work with schools, produce publications and perform street trails in conjunction with the Birmingham History Theatre Company. Our most recent project is The Lost Children about the Middlemore Emigration Homes.
We organise displays and exhibitions, collect memories, work with schools, produce publications and perform street trails in conjunction with the Birmingham History Theatre Company.
Our most recent project is The Lost Children about the Middlemore Emigration Homes. The Society has a base in the Old Print Works with an excellent collection of resources.
Birmingham Open Studios returns this September, bigger than ever before, and now covering even more of the city.
Birmingham Open Studios returns this September, bigger than ever before, and now covering even more of the city.
Dozens of artists and creators exhibiting from their own homes and studios on the weekends of 18/19th and 25/26th September. Artists who cannot exhibit from their own homes can buddy-up or use a community space. The event is run like an art trail, and is free to visit and family friendly. The public can pick up printed guide books with maps from across the city, or follow the interactive map and guide on our website www.birminghamopenstudios.com
The event allows artists of all calibre to display and sell as much work as they like, all commission free! The interactive element between the artists and art lovers brings a personal element, and promotes community spirit. The event welcomes experienced and brand new artists of all calibres and styles. However, all art must be tangible and non-performance.
Artists can exhibit between one, or all 4 days of the event. The event runs 11am-5pm each day. The membership fee is £42 for the event regardless of how many days they participate.
If you wish to know more, please visit our website and read our About Us and FAQ sections, and sign up online. The deadline for submissions is July 15th
Any questions, please use the contact us form online
Flo is a self-taught vibrant crochet and fibre artist from Birmingham. She took up crochet over 10 years ago and has never looked back. After covering all her family and friends in crochet she then took to the streets, bringing colour wherever she goes. Flo is inspired by nature, feminism, pop culture and whatever is on her mind at the time. Check her out for commissions and make your world a softer place too!
Flo is a self-taught vibrant crochet and fibre artist from Birmingham. She took up crochet over 10 years ago and has never looked back. After covering all her family and friends in crochet she then took to the streets, bringing colour wherever she goes. Flo is inspired by nature, feminism, pop culture and whatever is on her mind at the time. Check her out for commissions and make your world a softer place too!
I am a participatory artist, working mainly in textiles. I combine my creative skills and knowledge with my background (& current work) in adult mental health social work.
I combine my creative skills and teaching to run an arts practice that is rooted in coproduction, therapeutic mental health and trauma informed and socially engaged.
I mentor and am an associate artist with GAP Arts. I have a community studio space at TOPW where I create protest banners.
I qualified with a degree in Visual Arts from Lancaster University and have many years experience of reseaching, facilitating and evaluating arts projects, workshops and events.
Following a career as an arts administrator, I built on my community arts experience by qualifying in Social Work from Glasgow University. I went onto to manage a number of community based mental health services both in Glasgow, and more recently in Birmingham. I have a commitment to creativity and engagement and have been recognised nationally for my work in creative approaches to organsiational change and consultation. I deliver learning and engagement opportunities with diverse groups of adults, young people and older adults.
I am
In 2016, I established The Black and Blue Collective– a collaborative live arts organisation that works in co-production with artists and people with lived experience of mental health issues
Balsall Heath CATS is a parent led organisation, set up to run play, leisure, sports, arts and recreational activities for disabled children, young people and families.
Balsall Heath CATS is a parent led organisation, set up to run play, leisure, sports, arts and recreational activities for disabled children, young people and families.
Arts activities include parents/carers coffee mornings, with creative and craft opportunities. Mental health well-being. Play and youth sessions with arts focus for disabled CYP.
Sähëlï – A friend dedicated to improving community health and wellbeing by providing innovative services and solutions that educates, motivates, inspires and empowers.
Sähëlï – A friend dedicated to improving community health and wellbeing by providing innovative services and solutions that educates, motivates, inspires and empowers.
Art activities include:
Talking through what’s on your mind using Art through movement
The Ashiana Community Project, improving the quality of life for people living, working and volunteering in Sparkbrook and surrounding areas. Activities inclide Yoga, Journaling, Craft Sessions and Gardening.
The Ashiana Community Project, improving the quality of life for people living, working and volunteering in Sparkbrook and surrounding areas. Activities inclide Yoga, Journaling, Craft Sessions and Gardening.
Eclectic mix of local, national and international live music on a monthly basis. Social, educational, cultural, musical, friendly. Warm welcome to all.
Eclectic mix of local, national and international live music on a monthly basis. Social, educational, cultural, musical, friendly. Warm welcome to all. World music lounge first Thursday of the month.
Moseley Road Baths is developing a programme of health, wellbeing and creative activities through their ‘Moseley Road Baths Alive’ work. They are also developing space for Arts activities.
Moseley Road Baths is developing a programme of health, wellbeing and creative activities through their ‘Moseley Road Baths Alive’ work. They are also developing space for Arts activities.
Their ‘Threading Tales Together’ project started in March 2021. They plan to offer yoga, drum’n’bounce, yoga for kids, wim hof meditation, cross stitching, poetry, hip-hop and photography, depending on the interests and stories of participants.
Misfits Music is a Birmingham based charity providing musical and social activities for adults who play any instrument to any ability.
Misfits Music is a Birmingham based charity providing musical and social activities for adults who play any instrument to any ability.
We provide a place for musicians to connect with each other, either online and in-person. We play a variety of repertoire including arrangements of well-known pop songs and film scores alongside collectively written pieces from the group.
Misfits currently run the Moseley Misfits instrumental group, Capo Guitar group and The Misfits Choir.
I aim to nurture curious citizens, confident in their heritage, rooted in their communities, through developing and delivering creative participatory media and heritage projects.
I aim to nurture curious citizens, confident in their heritage, rooted in their communities, through developing and delivering creative participatory media and heritage projects.
I create film, media and heritage project which tell important and personal stories, that can shape our ideas about the world and lead to positive social and political action. At the heart of this is participatory practice, firmly rooted in using tools for collaboration and co-creation.
I work with arts organisations, youth groups, community projects, schools, charities, advocacy groups and do community-based work in the public sector across the West Midlands. I am particularly interested in exploring projects connected to people’s heritage, community action, oral histories, social justice and urban wildlife.
I am currently developing my participatory practice and leadership as a Fellow on the Gulbenkian Foundation supported Creative Communities Fellowship – hosted by National Art Strategies based in the USA and Derby Museums in the UK.
For more details or even if you would just like to discuss my practice in more detail, please get in touch!
Theatre Mix @ Home is a live-streamed performance night for West Midlands artists – scripted, devised, music, spoken word, cabaret and more. We’re open minded! We have Artist Slots and Open Slots available for our next event.
Theatre Mix @ Home is a live-streamed performance night for West Midlands artists – scripted, devised, music, spoken word, cabaret and more. We’re open minded! We have Artist Slots and Open Slots available for our next event.
Where? Your place When? Thursday 15th April 2021 (evening)
Open Slots: Breaking down barriers for artists to try out new work and have performance opportunities. First come, first served for each art form Up to 5 minutes Drink provided
Artist Slots: For more developed work. Programmed by organisers Holly and Lisa 15-20 minutes Fee: £100 for a solo act, £200 for a duo Duos can be in a bubble, or we can facilitate two performers remotely on the screen
Although this event is taking place online, we are committed to platforming local artists and, as such, are looking specifically for artists based in the West Midlands.
If you have further questions, would like help applying or want the submission form in another format, please email theatremixbirmingham@gmail.com
Note: You will need a stable internet connection and a device to record from (smartphone, laptop etc). GUSH Theatre welcome applications from everyone regardless of age, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, socio-economic background, sexual orientation, religion or disability. We are particularly interested in working with people who consider themselves to be from backgrounds that are currently underrepresented in the arts sector. Supported by Arts Council England, The Society for Theatre Research & The GAP Arts Project.
This competition was run throughout January and February through schools, colleges and community organisations across the Hall Green locality. It was run by a youth project called Youth Covid Challenge that, with NHS England funding, has been working with young people across the same locality to retell Covid messages in a way that relates to them.
Each piece in this exhibition was submitted as an entry to the Youth Rules Lockdown 2021 competition. This competition was run throughout January and February through schools, colleges and community organisations across the Hall Green locality. It was run by a youth project called Youth Covid Challenge that, with NHS England funding, has been working with young people across the same locality to retell Covid messages in a way that relates to them.
The competition required participants, aged 10-18, to respond to the brief: ‘how have you stayed safe and positive throughout lockdown?’, through artwork, digital skills, or writing. As you can see, the results have been amazing and incredibly diverse. It is a testament to the wide variety of lives and experiences of the pandemic throughout this unique corner of Birmingham. The two age categories (10-14 and 15-18) each have three winners respectively, bronze, silver and gold, and were decided on by a panel of young people from the local area who have participated in Youth Covid Challenge on a weekly basis since December.
The Runners Up
The Winners (10-14)
Tallulah (Bronze), Ryan (Silver), Isobel (Gold)
The Winners (15-18)
Jago (Bronze), Akram, Kishore and Deneal (Silver), Cherry (Gold)
Threading Tales Together is a project exploring connection and healing through story. Taking place between March and June, the series of Artist guided workshops encourage gentle sharing of stories and a range of creative activities, including textiles, photography, hip-hop and poetry.
Threading Tales Together is a project exploring connection and healing through story. Taking place between March and June, the series of conversations (over a platform that most suits the individual) and Artist guided workshops encourage gentle sharing of stories and a range of creative activities, including textiles, illustration, photography, hip-hop and poetry.
This project is particularly (but not exclusively!) aimed at those who have been shielding during the Covid-19 pandemic and their families, carers and loved ones.
For more information contact Emily.Butler@moseleyroadbaths.org.uk or ring 07926 999 442. Supported by the ‘Moseley Road Baths Alive’ project, with support from BVSC and Moseley Together.
All activities aims to work with young people and local communities to make make sense of the world using creative and cultural action.
All activities aims to work with young people and local communities to make make sense of the world using creative and cultural action. There is a combination of one of projects that use a variety of art forms appropriate for the subject, and also one off events that are hosted by either the organisation or members of the community.
Address: The GAP, 498 Moseley Road, Balsall Heath, B12 9AH
Art Works are currently collating information about ‘Arts and Health’ activities across the area to assist Hall Green Neighbourhood Network Scheme with planning and commissioning activities for residents.
Art Works are currently collating information about ‘Arts and Health’ activities across the area to assist Hall Green Neighbourhood Network Scheme with planning and commissioning activities for residents.
We understand that many activities will be on pause or in planning stages at the moment. Please answer these questions based on your ‘normal’ or planned activities without Covid-19 restrictions.
We would be grateful if you could complete the form by 12 noon, Friday 19th March. If the embedded form below is not working, please use this link.
Artist Joanne Masding has pulled together some important and useful guidelines ‘How not to exclude Artist parents’.
Artist Joanne Masding has pulled together some important and useful guidelines ‘How not to exclude Artist parents’.
This is welcome not just for Artists with children, but for those with other caring responsibilities. Unless we can ensure equity in access we are excluding important voices from arts and culture.
You can view the full guidelines over on her Instagram feed.
Art Works’ Co-ordinator Rachel Gillies joined five years ago and is still finding it valuable, especially the annual leadership convention (quite aside from the cake offering!). She is very happy to chat with anyone who is wanting to find out more. E-mail her at hello@artworkshallgreen.co.uk.
Theatre Mix @ Home is a live-streamed performance night for West Midlands artists – scripted, devised, music, spoken word, cabaret, dance and more. We’re open minded!
Theatre Mix @ Home is a live-streamed performance night for West Midlands artists – scripted, devised, music, spoken word, cabaret, dance and more. We’re open minded!
Open Slots:
Breaking down barriers for artists to try out new work and have performance opportunities.
Deadline: 5pm on 1st April. We will respond by 12pm on Monday 1st March.
Where: Your place
When: Thursday 15th April 2021 (evening)
Although this event is taking place online, we are committed to platforming local artists and, as such, are looking specifically for artists based in the West Midlands.
If you have further questions, would like help applying or want the submission form in another format, please email theatremixbirmingham@gmail.com
Note: You will need a stable internet connection and a device to record from (smartphone, laptop etc).
GUSH Theatre welcome applications from everyone regardless of age, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, socio-economic background, sexual orientation, religion or disability. We are particularly interested in working with people who consider themselves to be from backgrounds that are currently underrepresented in the arts sector.
Supported by Arts Council England, The Society for Theatre Research & The GAP Arts Project.
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A blue background with an orange circle in the top left corner. Text reads: “THEATRE MIX @ home – APRIL! A cross-artform performance night featuring a range of West Midlands creative talents, live-streaming from home. Got something you’d like to perform? ARTIST SLOTS. Programmed by organisers. Paid. 15 – 20 minutes. Online application. Fee: £100 solo / £200 duo. Deadline: 01/04/21. OPEN SLOTS. First come, first served. Unpaid . Up to 5 minutes. Online submission form. Drink provided. Deadline: 08/04/21 (slots might get filled sooner). Where? Your place. When? 15th April 2021 (evening). To apply: See links in description or email theatremixbirmingham@gmail.com for more info.” At the bottom are logos for The Mix cafe, Arts Council England and The Society for Theatre Research.]