Have you created something before or during lockdown that you’ve not had a chance to perform yet? Theatre Mix is a performance night featuring a whole range of what Birmingham has to offer – scripted, devised, music, spoken word, cabaret, physical theatre and more. We’re open minded!
We’re taking our next event online, live-streaming all performers from their own homes. We have open slots available for short pieces up to 3mins. These slots will be first come, first served for each art form.
Open slots are unpaid. At live, in-person events we pay travel expenses to open slots. For Theatre Mix @ Home, we will send you a drink instead!
Where: Your place
When: 17th December 2020 (evening)
Please fill out this form:
Or send a video submission answering the questions in the form.
If you have any questions, would like help applying or want application in another format please email
Submissions will close at 5pm on Wednesday 9th December, but may close sooner if all slots are filled before this date.
Note: You will need a stable internet connection and a device to record from (smartphone, laptop etc).
GUSH Theatre welcome applications from everyone regardless of age, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, socio-economic background, sexual orientation, religion or disability. We are particularly interested in working with people who consider themselves to be from backgrounds that are currently underrepresented in the arts sector.
Supported by Arts Council England, The Society for Theatre Research & The GAP Arts Project.

[Image description; A blue background with the text “Theatre Mix @ Home Open Slots. Got a short piece you’d like to perform? We have open slots available for pieces up to 3 mins. These slots are first come, first served for each art form. At live, in-person events, we pay travel expenses for open slots, but for this event we will send you a drink instead! Where: Your place. When: 17th December 2020 (evening). To apply: See description or email for more info.”