A week of creative activities and workshops for young people and families, all taking place at The GAP every week day between 2.30 until 4.30.
For full event descriptions please follow the Eventbrite link below which is also where you can book your space!

Book your place via Eventbrite
Monday 31st May: Celebrating Sunflowers – A family workshop making, drawing, collaging and planting all things sunflower – a symbol of strength and happiness.
Tuesday 1st June: Me, Here, Now – A creative and reflective selfie workshop using photography, collage and drawing.
Wednesday 2nd June: Banking With Who? – Learn how you can make a change with this ethical banking workshop led by Students Organising For Sustainability.
Thursday 3rd June: Spice Lab -A tasty and fragrant creative worksop for families. Blind taste herbs and spices, make flavour profiles and create your own blends.
Friday 4th June: Community Group Open Day: We’re making friendly, safe and free space available for pre-booked grassroots groups to hold self-led activities. See the space and chat to us to see if it suits your needs.
Location: The GAP, 498 Moseley Road, Balsall Heath, B12 9AH
Contact: The GAP / arron@thegapartsproject.co.uk / 07761307675