Theatre Mix @ Home is a live-streamed, cross-artform performance night for West Midlands artists. It features performances from a range of West Mids-based artists and creatives, all live-streaming from their own homes.
It’s completely free via YouTube Live, and there will be a donation link on the night for anyone who wishes to donate, with all donations going towards the running of future nights like this.

Date: 15/04/2021
Time: 8pm (running time approx 1hr)
Our YouTube channel where you will find us on the night:
Facebook event for info & updates:
Grab yourself a treat, pull up a couch cushion and enjoy some local creative talents.
This event has been made possible by funding from The Society for Theatre Research, Arts Council England Project Grants and support from The GAP Arts Project.
Audience: Sometimes there is strong language, so aimed at 14+
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A background textured like crumpled paper with text that reads “THEATRE MIX @ home. West Midlands artists streaming live from their homes to yours. Acts to be announced… Thursday 15th April, 8pm, YouTube Live (see link in description)” At the sides are social handles for Twitter: @gushtheatre, @theatre_mix and Facebook: @gustheatre. At the bottom are logos for The Mix cafe, Arts Council England and the Society for Theatre Research.]