Ort Gallery

Ort Gallery is an artist-led space in Birmingham with the social mission to facilitate dialogue in the community.

Ort Gallery is an artist-led space in Birmingham with the social mission to facilitate dialogue in the community.

(picture credit Marcin Sz, artwork by Leah Gordon)

Website: http://ortgallery.co.uk/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrtGallery

Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/OrtGallery/

Address: 496 Moseley Road, B12 9AJ

E-mail: Josie Reichert – josie@ortgallery.co.uk

Phone: 07724 613 406

Culture Central

Culture Central is sector support organisation and collective voice for Arts and Culture in the region. They drive strategy with an ambitious, inclusive and relevant vision for the role of the arts and artists in society.

A collective voice for arts & culture in the West Midlands.

Culture Central is sector support organisation and collective voice for Arts and Culture in the region. They drive strategy with an ambitious, inclusive and relevant vision for the role of the arts and artists in society. Their weekly newsletter is packed with information relevant to anyone working in the creative sector in the region.

Culture Central advocates for the sector, acting as a catalyst to generate radical new approaches to investment and sustainability and brokering cross-sector collaborations and partnerships.  They work with the sector to develop audiences, provide and promote opportunities for learning, build networks and nurture employment opportunities and share expertise from the talented, diverse communities in the region.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, they have spearheaded the ‘Cultural Response Unit’, to create a sector led response to the changing situation. As part of this, they have co-ordinated several ‘Weekender’ events, and have responded to Black Lives Matter’s call for action through launching ‘More than a Moment’, with and for Black Creatives.

For information on how to join and to subscribe to their weekly newsletter, visit their website.

Website: /https://www.culturecentral.co.uk/

Cultural Response Unit: https://www.culturecentral.co.uk/wmcru/

More than a Moment: https://www.culturecentral.co.uk/mtam/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CultureCentral

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CultureCentralWM/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/culturecentraluk/

Address: Birmingham Chamber Of Commerce, 75 Harborne Rd, Birmingham B15 3DH

E-mail: info@culturecentral.co.uk 

People’s Heritage Co-operative

People’s Heritage Co-operative raise awareness of people’s heritage through innovative and participatory heritage projects.

People’s Heritage Co-operative raise awareness of people’s heritage through innovative and participatory heritage projects.


  • To promote and raise awareness of peoples heritage
  • To contribute to community cohesion and increase understanding of our diverse heritage
  • To support our members to more effectively work with people to share our culture and heritage
  • To develop a network of supportive members, developing their practice by promoting collaborative work, increasing participation in exploring and interpreting Birmingham’s heritage through an open membership policy

Website: http://peoplesheritagecoop.uk/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/phcooperative

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peoples_heritage/

Address: Working across Birmingham

E-mail: rachel@peoplesheritagecoop.uk

Phone: 07967 093 256

Misfits Music

Misfits Music, founded in 2018, aims to bring people together through group music making and social activities.

Misfits Music, founded in 2018, aims to bring people together through group music making and social activities.

Our flagship project, The Moseley Misfits is a community music group in South Birmingham for adults that play any instrument to any ability. Since the introduction of social distancing in March 2019, we have worked hard to move our activities both outdoors, into small groups and online to ensure we keep bringing people together through music.

Website: https://misfitsmusic.org.uk

Twitter: https://twitter.com/misfits_music

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misfits_music_foundation/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/misfitsmusic

Address: Misfits Music Foundation, The Moseley Exchange, 149-153 Alcester Road, Birmingham, B13 8JP

E-mail: rob@misfitsmusic.org.uk

Phone: 07458 306 508