Andy Cheffings

I am a community musician and writer. I’m also part of Brum LGBTQ+ Writers.

I'm at the piano in Woodbrooke after being part of some Quaker community music sharing.

Most recently I ran the Buddhist Choir in Malvern and I also did an impromptu inter-faith choir for one of the COP demonstrations in Birmingham City Centre during the period of Covid lockdowns (I did this under the Footsteps umbrella – Faiths for a Low Carbon Future – part of Birmingham Council of Faiths).

My musical specialism is inclusion and when I lived in Leicester I took part in, led and organised a number of inclusive performances, particularly at the Richard Attenborough Centre. My musical creed is that everyone has a musical voice worth hearing, so when I work towards a performance I do a lot of workshopping around improvisation and composition, so that everyone has a creative voice in the final piece.

Contact me: or 0121 459 2989